Technical & Maintenance Services

Technical &
Support &
Spec & Help

We provide maintenance support services for electrical equipment, instrumentation, analyzers, and rotating equipment in the following areas:
  • Review of existing assets to identify ways to improve production efficiency.
  • Development of Job Procedures, ISO 9002 Procedures, Management of Change Procedures, Safe Work Practices and Safety Regulations to comply with company and OSHA requirements.
  • Troubleshooting major problem areas and providing recommendations for corrective action (Elimination of recurring problems).
  • Networking activities to achieve continuous improvement to existing and new equipment design.
  • Performing preventive, predictive and repair services for pumps, gearboxes, control-valves, switchgear, motor control and instrument/electrical field devices. Note: If sufficient interest is shown we will provide Relief & Safety Valve repair/testing, and if economically achievable, extend the life cycle between tests to achieve the maximum life cycle permitted by law.
  • Replacing and/or upgrading existing Switchgear and Motor Control. This includes converting from electro-mechanical to electronic Protective Relay, installation of Soft-Start and Drive (Variable Speed) Motor Control. And upgrade from electro-mechanical relays to Programmable Logic Control (PLC).
  • Replacing and/or upgrading existing Control Valves, Positioners, and Field Devices.
  • Managing and maintaining electrical distribution system and equipment from supplier incoming to motor control level. Our goal is to achieve zero interruptions and a minimum turnaround period of five years. For most applications this is very achievable with present technology.
  • Developing and/or managing Reliability Programs for part or all of your equipment to drive continuous improvement (e.g. Motors, electrical distribution equipment, control valves, etc).
  • Providing expertise for support of your Engineers to minimize their time in handling projects. This will also achieve development of your less experienced people.
  • Analyzer Support, all types, including Gas Chromatograph and X-Ray. We also support continuous improvement in sample system design. And we will maintain portable analyzers used for personnel protection.
  • We teach electrical and instrumentation classes for mechanics and engineers.
  • Repairs are performed in compliance with OSHA requirements and prevent the need for Management of Change when non-OEM parts are used.